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Mail Scripts


MacOS X's Mail and Address Book have large AppleScript dictionaries which allow almost every aspect of these programs to be scripted. Since some features are rather cumbersome in the standard implementation, I decided to write some scripts to ease workflow. I started writing the scripts after the release of MacOS X 10.2 (Jaguar) and made several improvements and additions over time. After the release of MacOS X 10.3 (Panther) all scripts have been completely rewritten as AppleScript Studio applications allowing for many additional features.


Mail Scripts is a collection of AppleScript Studio applications for Mail and Address Book offering additional features or simplified workflow. Mail Scripts consists of the following scripts:

Add Addresses (Mail)

Archive Messages (Mail)

Change SMTP Server (Mail)

Create Rule (Mail)

Remove Duplicates (Mail)

Schedule Delivery (Mail)

Send all Drafts (Mail)

Open Mailbox, Open Message (Mail)

Filter Sent Messages (Mail)

Export Addresses (Address Book)

Search Addresses (Address Book)

Program Usage

After running the installer, the scripts are located inside a folder called "Mail Scripts" located inside your Applications folder (even though you can move the scripts to any other location of your liking, the installer will not remove previous versions located at a different path). You can run the scripts either from double-clicking their icons from within the Finder or using the launch scripts (or assigned keyboard shortcuts) from within the script menu inside Mail and Address Book (the script menu is the menu with the small icon to the lefft of the Help menu).

General Remark: Mail's AppleScript implementation does not seem to be able to handle too many request if Mail is busy doing something else. Some of the scripts seem to run better if you take all your accounts offline first (Choose "Mailbox->Online Status->Go Offline" from Mail's menu).

Add Addresses

Archive Messages

Change SMTP Server

Create Rule

Remove Duplicates

Schedule Delivery

Send all Drafts

Open Mailbox, Open Message

Filter Sent Messages

Mail does not apply rules to sent messages - if you want to organize your sent messages in mailboxes together with your received messages, you have to manually select all messages in your "Sent" mailbox and choose "Apply Rules to Selection" from the menu. This script tries to automate this for you.
Note: this script is somewhat ugly and slower than Mail's internal apply rules command - things would be so much easier if Mail would allow rules to be applied to sent messages or at least supply an AppleScript command "apply rules to selection". Please let Apple know that they should add this in future versions of Mail.

Export Addresses

Search Addresses

Known Issues



I wrote these scripts for my own personal use and they work for me. Mail Scripts are provided "as-is" and I don't take any responsability for the integrity of your mail and address data.
Mail Scripts are distributed free of charge - I decided to make them available for the Macintosh community. I have a day job and I will still survive if nobody sends me money - I am happy with hearing that I saved someone's day with my little scripts. However, donations are not turned away;-) - please use this link to make a secure donation through the PayPal system.
Mail Scripts may not be redistributed via the web or any other electronic media except with explicit written consent by the author.

System Requirements

Since Apple decided to change the AppleScript implementation between system version 10.2 and 10.3, Mail Scripts require MacOS X 10.3 or higher as of version 2.0. The latest version running on MacOS X 10.2 is still available but development has been frozen for that version. The scripts should run properly on every computer which is able to run MacOS X.

Download Link

You can get the latest version of the scripts here (2MB). Users still running MacOS X 10.2.x can download version 1.3.7 here (218kB)

If you want to look at the source code of the various scripts, you can download a project (Xcode version 1.5) with the complete source (1.6MB) - don't blame me if you don't understand everything or screw up your system by changing some of the code;-) If you decide that my code is useful and use some of it in your own projects, please add proper credit and mention my scripts.

Mail Scripts are currently fully localized in the following languages: English (development language), German, Dutch (translation by Guy De Lee), French (translation by Sébastien Marty), and Italian (translation by Marcello Teodori). Please contact me if you want to help localizing to other languages.

Version History

2.5.2 (January 21, 2005)

New features:


2.5.1 (January 8, 2005)


2.5 (January 7, 2005)

New features:


2.4.3 (December 16, 2004)


2.4.2 (November 29, 2004)

New features:


2.4.1 (October 30, 2004)


2.4 (October 21, 2004)

New features:


2.3.2 (October 3, 2004)


2.3.1 (September 30, 2004)


2.3 (September 29, 2004)

New features:


2.2.5b - Maintenance Release (September 4, 2004)


2.2.5 (August 31, 2004)


2.2.4 (August 29, 2004)


2.2.3 (July 9, 2004)


2.2.2 (June 16, 2004)

New features:


2.2.1 (May 23, 2004)

New features:


2.2 (May 20, 2004)

New features:


2.1.7 (May 9, 2004)


2.1.6 (April 26, 2004)

New features:


2.1.5 (April 17, 2004)

New features:


2.1.4 (March 20, 2004)

New features:


2.1.3 (March 10, 2004)


2.1.2 (March 3, 2004)


2.1.1 (February 1, 2004)


2.1 (January 31, 2004)

New features:

2.0.2 (January 5, 2004)

New features:


2.0.1 (December 27, 2003)


2.0 (December 26, 2003)

New features:


1.3.7 (February 8, 2003)


1.3.6 (February 2, 2003)

New features:


1.3.5 (December 29, 2002)


1.3.4 (December 3, 2002)


1.3.3 (November 28, 2002)

New features:


1.3.2 (November 10, 2002)

New features:


1.3.1 (October 13, 2002)


1.3 (October 11, 2002)

New features:


1.2.2 (October 9, 2002)


1.2.1 (September 22, 2002)


1.2 (September 22, 2002)

New features:


1.1.1 (September 15, 2002)


1.1 (September 14, 2002)

New features:


1.0 (September 13, 2002)

Initial release ("Create Rule" & "Change SMTP Server")

Introduction | Features | Usage | Download | Version History | 
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